Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Full moon of May

Last week, Beltane passed by with me barely even honouring the day - I was so caught up in a week of creativity, getting some drawings done. The fires of inspiration have been burning, and it seems the arrival of the amazing full moon in Scorpio (that "supermoon" everyone was talking about) on Saturday has helped maintain a nice energy around here. Add Buddha's Birthday to the weekend, and you have a charged few days. Amongst the people around me there have been some births, major announcements and decisions, and loud proclamations of love. Oh yes, the web is weaving, even when we think we aren't aware of it!!

It always seems around these times we lose some too. Adam Yauch left us, as has Maurice Sendak, both influential in their own fields. Many people have proclaimed how much the Beastie Boys were an integral part of their youth, and Sendak's "Where The Wild Things Are" became one of the biggest selling children's books of all time. Yauch embraced a life of compassion and chose to use his voice to raise awareness of Tibet and its politics, while also contributing to a thumping musical heritage - "Paul's Boutique" gets a good run at our joint, even amongst all the metal records! Adam's life is a reminder that no matter your path, some of that journey can include efforts to make a beneficial difference for other people, whether through your art or a social voice, even through the seemingly smallest actions. Thanks MCA.

"Wild Things" was probably my favourite children's book (I know I'm not the only one on that point). It's layout, story, the way the monsters were rendered with cross-hatched pen marks and muted watercolours, how the images filled the entire page, the story of Max and his imagination...this book had a huge impact visually, and I've been lucky in my career to be able to tattoo quite a few of Sendak's characters on other people. Last August, Vanity Fair published a brief piece on the author, accompanied by a beautiful photo of him and his handsome and loyal German Shepherd, "Herman", and I've never forgotten it - it so loudly speaks "I am an artist and a dog lover."

But back to full moon weekend, and nothing seemed more fitting a form of celebration than getting Meshuggah to slug me in the ears with their mathematical brutal compositions. THIS is metal...from Sweden. And live, it's really not like like anything else. If it was IKEA furniture it would come with 7 different sized hex keys, an instruction manual 67 pages long, 9 boxes, and you would have no idea how you are supposed to put it together. But I promise, so much fun in trying!!! 

And for once, an appreciative crowd, rather exuberant by LA standards...

Not bad for a bunch of blokes...and yes, I was nursing a bit of sore neck the next day.

Sunday, hence, was a bit more docile - veggie shopping at the local farmer's market, some home cooking shared with a friend, and a quiet sit down with Radiohead's "In Rainbows" - an album I have only recently discovered, and gee whiz, it's a cracker. This is a record that makes you stop what you are doing and listen to the moment...I really want to do this more often. I think that's the message...

My post has inadvertently turned into a tribute to some awesome dudes. Thank goodness for them!!